Funk, Soul, Surf und RnR aus der Garage von Spätinsbettgeher für Frühaufsteher.
Hideout: Kicks From The Boot #22
Kick is back! breaking through your window glass with The Routes from their brand new "Alligator" album The Montesas, Knockout Pills, King Sound Quartet, Cosmic Psychos, Fireworks, Wounded Lion and many more. Italian boot kick: The Industries, Two Bit Dezperados, Squadra Omega, I Mitomani, Giuda, Silver Cocks.
The Routes - a Love Like Mine
the Industries - Hey You
Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds - Lsdc
Two Bit Dezperados - Mexi Com Ela
Turpentine Brothers - Rate of Change
Static Static - Electric We Get
the Boss Mustangs - Hazel Holly (Please Come Back)