

« Kol HaCampus » Polanskifunk: Lottum Live Sessions #1

Freitag, 11. Jul 2014, 02:00 bis 03:00 Uhr
2014-07-11 02:00:00 2014-07-11 03:00:00 Pi Radio
Im Austausch zwischen Pi Radio und Ko HaCampus (106fm Israel) unser Nachtprogramm mit dem Polanskifunk.

lottum live x

Polanskifunk: Lottum Live Sessions #1

We will listen a couple of songs recorded live at the Pi Radio studio in Berlin, Lottum Street. In the last years a lot of musicians, bands and formations performed their music in different of our programs. Pi Radio wants to present a special selection of recordings made in Berlin - live at our studio. Some of the recordings have not the quality you are maybe used to, but we hope you will get a short impression of the diverse and lively music scene of Berlin.

Lottum Live Sessions #1

  1. Strain everything: Lonski & Claßen - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  2. Temptation: Lord Fitz Walter - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  3. Blind Virgins Date: Kobah und Dislighten - Pi Radio: Lottum Live III (2010)
  4. Golden future Paris: Kitty Solaris - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  5. Breakfast in America: Durstdurst - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  6. Als wir uns erstmalig trafen: Tito Maffay - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  7. Instrumental: Niko Schabel Quartett - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  8. Hölzerne Hütte: Peter Lorenz - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  9. Heldenplätze: Herr von Grau - Pi Radio: Lottum Live II (2010)
  10. Mundharmonika: Sing Dein Ding - Pi Radio: Lottum Live II (2010)
  11. Sing nicht: Doc Schoko & Fanta Schimun - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  12. Ich liebe sie doch sie liebt die Kopie: Ruperts Kitchen Orchestra - Pi Radio: Lottum Live II (2010)
  13. Pleite Bealin: Christoph Theussl - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  14. Straße ins nirgendwo: Los Bandidos - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  15. Jubelpark: Todosch Schlopsnies - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  16. Violin: Denitza Mineva - Pi Radio: Lottum Live II (2010)
  17. Voice between the nations: Human Elephants - Herbstradio: Lottum Live I (2009)
  18. New sunglasses: Max Paul Maria - Pi Radio: Lottum Live II (2010)
  19. Filzstiefel: Cosmonautix - Pi Radio: Lottum Live II (2010)