D/B Radio with a view to bringing different styles and directions in music to a wider audience, and so fostering music that has a formidable and extraordinary approach.
Bild: DIB
Farben & James DIN A4 | Heimkehr Der Vulgaren | Farben presents James DIN A4 | Faitiche
Farben & James DIN A4 | Das Chinesenschwert | Farben presents James DIN A4 |Faitiche
Danny Norbury | All The Stars Are Out Tonight | Light in August | flau
Otto von Schirach | Tipo Tropical | Tipo Tropical / La Plancha feat. Silverio | Monkeytown
Blank Realm | Bulldozer Love | Grassed Inn | Fire Records
Golden Retriever | Flight Song | Seer | Thrill Jockey
Farben & James DIN A4 | Lucifer Rising | Farben presents James DIN A4 | Faitiche
Murcof | Mir | Check The Water | Leaf
oneohtrix point never | Returnal | Returnal | Editions Mego
Über Digital in Berlin
Digital in Berlin presents as agency quality forms of serious music. An online guide, events promoter, organiser, curator and forger of ideas, the Digital in Berlin network is active in all spheres of Berlin sub-culture. Away from mainstream, pop-culture and the conventional society; we report on the most breathtaking city in Europe. Because the destiny of Berlin is a continuous journey with out ever arriving.
Moderated and compiled by: Dirk Markham, Michael Rosen and guests