

« Radio Mutation » Way Past Cool #57

Donnerstag, 18. Jan 2018, 06:00 bis 07:00 Uhr
2018-01-18 06:00:00 2018-01-18 07:00:00 Pi Radio
Garage Punk Pirate Radio Podcast Network. – IxnayRay hosts Way Past Cool on Radio Mutation.
Radio Mutation
  1. Repo Man – Iggy Pop
  2. Bar The Door – The Roamin’ Togas
  3. UFO Stomp – The Taikonauts
  4. Ali Baba Twist – El Corado
  5. Black Buttercups – The Long Bone Trio
  6. Oh Oh Oh Mojo – The Volcanos
  7. Ring Of Fire – Johnny Cash
  8. You’ve Got To Pay The Chinaman – The Royal Pendletons
  9. Surfin’ Dead – The Cramps
  10. Please Mr. Jailer – Wynona Carr & The Bumps Blackwell Band
  11. Sun’s Going Down – Destination Lonely
  12. Take You Home – The Richmond Sluts
  13. I Found A Peanut – Thee Midniters
  14. Arabian Nights – The Cavaliers
  15. Prison Break – The Paramours
  16. Thunder – Eddie Angel
  17. Mongolia – Midnight Woolf
  18. Full Metal Jackoff – DOA & Jello Biafra

Way Past Cool

For fans of raunchy, wild rock'n'roll, old and new… garage, psych, punk, surf, rockabilly, soul, R&B, and lo-fi, primitive trash. Garage, Punk, Rockabilly, Surf, Blues, R & B, and whatever trashy, crappy music I feel like playing.

Radio Mutation

Formerly known as GaragePunk Pirate Radio (2005–2015) and born of the original GaragePunk Forums message board at, Radio Mutation is a podcast network of DJ-hosted music shows featuring wild and untamed garage rock, punk, surf/instro, rockabilly, primitive R&B, power pop, swamp rock, proto-punk, post-punk, psychedelic rock, broken blues… basically all styles of gritty, desperate, REAL rock ‘n’ roll. All of them low-budget productions, independently produced and non-commercial (that means we make no money whatsoever from this endeavor).

Oh, and did we mention our shows are entertaining as hell? It’s true! Loads of personality and, just like the Young Lions Conspiracy*, a heaping helping of Integrity, Soul, and Attitude. Not to mention hours upon hours of great rock ‘n’ roll that you will simply not hear anywhere else.
