

« Begilufin » Berlin Live: Space! (#1) #120

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2018, 20:30 bis 21:30 Uhr
2018-05-10 20:30:00 2018-05-10 21:30:00 Pi Radio
Begilufin trys to bring a taste from the great diversity of the rich music world. With different sounds, old and new, vibes from different eras, different lands and Israeli music scene.
Bild: Pi Radio

Amon Tobin and Pink Floyd.

It’s the Begilufin SPACE special!

Your green-skinned hosts Ziv Lode and Dan Abbott occupy 60 of your puny Earth-minutes with space-themed tunes and gravity-free grooves from all eight corners of the universal overground. Earth musicians have long used the idea of space as an excuse to shrug off earthbound restrictions because as everyone knows, in space there are no rules. We invite you to join us as we ricochet wildly through the sounds of the cosmic void. Helmet optional.

As always, this is genuine live radio presented by mortal humans, broadcast from a basement in the heart of Berlin, transmitting good old fashioned radio waves out into space… forever…

Berlin Live

It all come together to an hour of music with some interruptions.

Begilufin trys to bring a taste from the great diversity of the rich music world, with a focus on Israeli music - moderated and compiled by Ziv. With different sounds, old and new, vibes from different eras, different lands and Israeli music scene. It all come together to an hour of music with some interruptions.

Ziv macht eine Sendung live bei Pi Radio namens "Berlin live", die den Fokus auf Musik aus Israel hat.
