« John-Peel-Day » John Peel's Music On BFBS: 17. Dezember 1981

John Peel hatte eine Show von 1972 bis 2001 bei BFBS (dem British Forces Broadcasting Service) die "John Peel's Music On BFBS" hiess und immer den Opener von PiLs "Socialist" und als Outro "Karriere" spielte und in Ost-Berlin gut zu empfangen war.
John Peel's Music On BFBS: 17. Dezember 1981
- Action Pact: All Purpose Action Footwear (split 7" with Dead Man's Shadow - The Heathrow Touchdown E.P.) Subversive ANARCHO ONE
- Normil Hawaiians: Still Obedient (7") Illuminated ILL 7
- Ex Post Facto: Ex Post Facto (7") YinYang Y/Y 001
- Neues Deutschland: Liebe Kennt Keine Grenzen (album - Neues Deutschland) Iron Curtain ICR 015
- Household Name: Lynch Mob Tactics (12" - A Twelve Inch Single) Household Name Leeds HN 001
- It's Immaterial: Imitate The Worm (7") IHM IHM 002
- Chelsea: Evacuate (7") Step-Forward SF 20
- Malaria: How Do You Like My New Dog? (7") Les Disques Du Crépuscule TWI 033
- John hopes to see Eddie et al when he is in Berlin
- New Order: Chosen Time (album - Movement) Factory FACT 50
John feels that the New Order LP is a disappointment, just a couple of good tracks
- Clint Eastwood And General Saint: Take About Run (album - Two Bad D.J.) Greensleeves GREL 24
- Sprung Aus Den Wolken: Komm Her Sing Mit (12" - Sprung Aus Den Wolken) Zickzack ZZ 75
- Associates: White Car In Germany (7") Situation Two SIT11
- Native Tongue: Speaking In Captions (12" EP - Native Tongue) Détente MM 010
- Waitresses: Wait Here, I’ll Be Right Back (v/a album - Bowling Balls From Hell) Clone CL 011
- Clint Eastwood And General Saint: Special Request To All Prisoner (album - Two Bad D.J.) Greensleeves GREL 24
- Infa-Riot: Kids Of The 80's (7") Secret SHH 117
- Demob: No Room For You (7") Round Ear EAR 3
- Artery: Into The Garden (7" - Afterwards) Armageddon AS 026
- Einstürzende Neubauten: Abstieg & Zerfall (album - Kollaps) Zickzack ZZ 65
- Outcasts: Beating And Screaming Part II (7" EP - Programme Love) Outcasts Only 000001
- By Chance: Soul Kitchen (7") Crammed Discs CRAM 5457
- Machine Gun Hogg & Co: Bed Bound Saga (v/a album - Wild Paarty Sounds Volume One) Cherry Red B RED 24
- Dance Chapter: Demolished Sanctuary (12" EP - Chapter II) 4AD BAD 115
- Clint Eastwood And General Saint: Gal Pon The Front Line (album - Two Bad D.J.) Greensleeves GREL 24
- 8 Eyed Spy: Lazy In Love (album - 8 Eyed Spy) Fetish FR 2003
- A Certain Ratio: Waterline (12") Factory FAC 52
John isn't keen on some of the records he's playing, e.g. the above
- Missing Presumed Dead: My Little Sister's Turning Into Duane Eddie (album - Revenge) Sequel PART 5
- Duane Eddy: 40 Miles Of Bad Road
- Diagram Brothers: I Didn't Get Where I Am Today By ... (album - Some Marvels Of Modern Science) New Hormones ORG 17
- Rip, Rig + Panic: Bob Hope Takes Risks (7") Virgin VS 468
Danke an Eddie Berlin für die Archivierung.
- https://peel.fandom.com/wiki/17_December_1981_(BFBS)
John Peel Day
2005 rief die BBC den 13. Oktober 2005 zum ersten internationalen „John-Peel-Day“ aus und forderte seine Fans in aller Welt auf, Veranstaltungen in seinem Gedenken zu organisieren. Dieser Tag soll von nun an jeden zweiten Donnerstag im Oktober gefeiert werden, um an Peels letzte Sendung am 14. Oktober 2004 zu erinnern.
Pi Radio macht mit, mit einem Spezial Archiv Rauskram Mitschnitt.