

« IndieRe2.0 » Independent Radio Exchange: Radio Popolare, Italija #3

Donnerstag, 14. Sep 2023, 11:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
2023-09-14 11:00:00 2023-09-14 12:00:00 Pi Radio
Welchen Spielraum haben alternative Künstler:innen in der heutigen digitalen Musikindustrie? Mit solchen und weiteren Fragen werden sich verschiedene Freie Radios aus Europa in Ihrem Musikmagazin beschäftigen.
Bild: Radio Študent

Indie-Re #03 by Radio Popolare, Italija

On this second episode of Indie-Re, Radio Popolare, an italian radio based in Milan, spent some time talking to Adele Nigro of Any Other and Rocco and Nico of Vintage Violence, working in two completely different music scenes but still part of the Italian indie world.

Adele Nigro is the frontwoman and alter ego of the project Any Other and we spoke about her music career just before she starts her live shows that will bring her all over Italy. We entered a world made of guitars, saxophones and poetry, a kind of indie rock that reminds of a young Alanis Morrissette.

The episode starts with the chat with Adele Nigro, a young multi-instrumentalist who works both on her own project and as a session-woman for many indie artists on the italian scene. Our journalist Cecilia Paesante talked with Adele about many subjects. Specially the issue of gender-equality in the italian music business, an issue far from being settled.

Vintage Violence, as written above, are a totally different project. They are currently working on their new album. The lyrics (in italian) are always been politically and socially influenced. The four members started working together many years ago, playing music in a little town in the north of Italy on the shores of the Como lake.

  1. Any Other - Breastbone (2:22) (album Two, Geography 42 Records, 2018)
  2. Any Other - Something (4:08) (album Silently. Quietly. Going Away. Bello Records, 2015)
  3. Any Other - Walttrough (5:05) (album Two, Geography 42 Records, 2018)
  4. Any Other - To the kino, again (5:23) (album Silently. Quietly. Going Away. Bello Records, 2015)
  5. Vintage Violence - Primo Ostacolo (3:01) (album Senza Paura Delle Rovine (Maninalto! Records, 2014)
  6. Vintage Violence - I non frequentanti (album Senza Barrè, Maninalto! Records, 2018)

    • Radio Popolare ( Italy
    • prepared and announced by Cecilia Paesante
    • Sendung vom 29. Februar 2020

IndieRE - Independent Radio Exchange

Was macht die lokale Musikszene Sevillas aus? Vor welchen besonderen Herausforderungen stehen Nachwuchskünstler:innen in Budapest angesichts der dortigen politischen Situation? Welche Verbindungen und Gemeinsamkeiten lassen sich zwischen der Independent Musikkultur in Graz, Halle und Dublin finden und was unterscheidet sie? Welchen Spielraum haben alternative Künstler:innen in der heutigen digitalen Musikindustrie?

Mit solchen und weiteren Fragen werden sich Radio Študent aus Ljubljana, das Netzwerk verschiedener französischer Uniradios namens Radio Campus, Radio CORAX aus Halle (Saale), EMA-RTV aus Sevilla, Radio Helsinki aus Graz, Near FM aus Dublin, Radio Student aus Zagreb und Civil Radio aus Budapest beschäftigen. Gemeinsam arbeiten sie dafür im Rahmen des EU-Projekts "Independent Radio Exchange" für die nächsten zwei Jahre zusammen.
