« IndieRe2.0 » Independent Radio Exchange: Radio Študent, Ljubljana #101

IndieRE #101 by Radio Študent, Ljubljana
Sedeminpetdeseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Rádió in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.
Welcome to the 101st edition of the IndieRE radio show prepared by Radio Študent in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We're starting off with a contemporary folk and etno inspired trio Ingver in Gverilke, who released their song Sestra or Sister. The song calls for solidarity of the oppressed and between the oppressed in current times with an emphasis on anti-patriarchal stance. We'll be staying in the realm of folk and indie atmospheres with 3:rma, a duo of Urška Supej and Maša But, who will join us in a short conversation. Their work is inspired by American folk music and focused on poetry and storytelling. At the end of December they've released their second EP titled The Garden of Edna inspired by the American feminist poet Edna st. Vincent Millay.
Next we'll listen to new music from the academic jazz musician, composer and saxophonist Boštjan Simon, who's been active in many bands and projects. Fermented Reality is his newest work, his first solo album released on Nature Scene Records in February. Moving on to more jazz and r'n'b we'll be listening to Magic Pond's music from their second EP Drama at the Lake from June last year and talk about their music with the lead vocalist Klara Veteršek.
Electronic producer Grega Kalinski or Douchean made some fresh breakbeat, electro, bass, atmospheric dance music packed up in an EP Aphrodisiac released on De/fragment. It consists of five long, detailed and impactful tunes and is one of the best electronic productions so far this year. Staying in the lane we'll feature Age of Revolt, a new EP Fake Everything by the producer and DJ Jakob Bekš, who's been active under several names in the Ljubljana's electronic music scene since the 2010s’ and runs the label Honest Work Recordings.
We'll conclude the show with something very special and specific – live coding of music. It's a method of producing and modifying sound live with code in a programme built with samples, sounds etc. The movement is called toplap and the music ranges from ambiental to noise and rave, called algorave or algorithm rave. One of the prominent musicians in this field is Luka Prinčič who performed live coding at the New Music Forum in Cankarjev dom in November 2023 and has released the recording under the title algoforte05live in January this year.
- Ingver in Gverilke – Sestra [4:15] (single, self-released, 2023)
- 3:rma – Consensual Longing [6:58] (The Garden of Edna, self-released, 2024)
- Boštjan Simon – Sustain Release [3:05] (Fermented Reality, Nature Scene Records, 2024)
- Magic Pond – April Snow [3:35] (Drama at the Lake, self-released, 2023)
- Douchean – Fly With You [8:27] (Aphrodisiac, De/fragment, 2024)
- Age of Revolt – Fake Jobs [5:15] (Fake Everything, Tehnopolis, 2024)
Luka Prinčič – 0-powerset-2 [4:44] (algoforte05live, self-released, 2024)
- Produced by Radio Študent, Slovenia.
- Prepared, announced by Jan Kopač and Ula Kranjc Kušlan. Sound mixing by Matej Tolić – Toljo.
- Design by Jure Anžiček.
IndieRE - Independent Radio Exchange
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