

« Begilufin » Berlin Live: Careers (#1) #210b

Donnerstag, 29. Feb 2024, 20:30 bis 21:30 Uhr
2024-02-29 20:30:00 2024-02-29 21:30:00 Pi Radio
We play a wild, confusing mess of international sounds, stretching from the birth of recorded music to something we heard two days ago. We do our best to ignore the normal, accentuate the weird, and ignore borders, boundaries and time-zone.

Tonight Ziv Lode and Dan Abbott bring you sixty thrilling minutes of silly/super/sublime/spaced-out/shocking/smashing music from around the world, all themed around CAREERS. Policewomen, plumbers, brain surgeons and harpists. However, due to our own very busy careers (haha), we've run out of time to write a high quality jazy blurb about our show tonight so just believe us and turn on your radio as soon as possible. You never know, it might change your life! It definitely changed ours anyway. Leave your job and listen to Begilufin. As the saying goes, "music is the wages of sound"!

As always, this is live, spontaneous and rather silly radio - we always throw in a couple of mistakes for your entertainment.

  1. The Dukes - The Dentist
  2. Spike Jones - Teenage Brain Surgeon
  3. Blue's Men - If I Were A Carpenter
  4. Bango - Marta, Zeca, O Padre, O Prefesi O Doutor e Eu
  5. Traffic - Dealer
  6. George Romanos - The Imaginary/Fantastic Doctor
  7. The Hypnomen - Street Preacher
  8. RadioTrip - (Who Is) DJ Magic Fingers
  9. David Bowie - Please Mr. Gravedigger
  10. Daniel Kahn And The Painted Bird - March of the Jobless Corps / Arbetsloser Marsh
  11. Chrysalis - Dr. Root's Garden
  12. Firewater - Hey Clown
  13. Paul McCartney - Temporary Secretary
  14. Koes Bersaudara - Poor Clown
  15. Andre Popp - La Polka Du Colonel


Begilufin is an hour long radio show broadcast live twice a month from the heart Berlin on the station Pi Radio. On Begilufin we play a wild, confusing mess of international sounds, stretching from the birth of recorded music to something we heard two days ago. We do our best to ignore the normal, accentuate the weird, and ignore borders, boundaries and time-zones. Each show revolves around a central theme and then we surprise each other (and you, dear listener) with our selections live on air.

Since you ask, ‘Begilufin’ is a Hebrew word meaning intoxicated, inebriated, drunk, sozzled or smashed - a perfect description of the delirious off-centre mix of crazed music we like to spin on the show or indeed the effect it might have on your ears.

Begilufin was created by Ziv Lode in 2010. Ziv was joined by Dan Abbott a couples of years later after a chance meeting in a kindergarten playground revealed a mutual love of the music of Erkin ‘The Turkish Hendrix’ Koray.

Wiederholung vom Freitag, 14. Sep 2023, 20:30 Uhr