« Garagepunx » Berlin Today: 40 Oz. Nonsense #9b
Freitag, 31. Aug 2012,
05:00 bis 06:00 Uhr
Funk, Soul, Surf und RnR aus der Garage von Spätinsbettgeher für Frühaufsteher.

40 Oz. Nonsense #9
- The Beer Drinking Fools–"Drinkin' 40's On the Subway"
- Los Dryheavers–"Drink To Get Fucked Up"
- The Beat Rats–"The Beat Rats' Theme"
- The Fucking Eagles–"Stop and Think It Over"
- The Carpet Sellers–"Stop"
- The Dirtbombs–"King's Lead Hat"
- The Pornostuntman–"Don't Let Me Down"
- The Clone Defects–"Stray Boy"
- The Fury…Heat!–"Kiler Nocturne In San Pedro"
- The Agenda!–"Last Chance For Action!"
- The Hex Dispensers–"Taxidermy Porno"
- The Uprisers–"Nine To Five"
- Kill City Creeps–"I Got A Letter"
- The Porch Ghouls–"Girl On the Road (Ford Fairlane)"
- The Impacts–"Wipe Out"
- The Dead Ringers–"I Want Out"
- The Scrags–"TV Messed Up Mind"
- Mudhoney–"Shoot the Moon"
- Brimstone Howl–"Final Dispatch"
- The Boardwalkers–"It's A Bikini World"
- The Wild Cherries–"Baby Baby"
- The Manxx–"Luck"
- The Sedatives–"Suspicious Minds"
- Thee Witch Hazel Martinis–"Ain't Dead Yet"
- DOSE–"40 Oz. Nonsense" theme
Die Erstausstrahlung der Sendung war am 2. September 2011 um 5:00 Uhr auf Pi Radio.
Wiederholung vom Samstag, 02. Sep 2011, 05:00 Uhr