
2010-09-17 07:00:00 2010-09-17 08:00:00

«Radijojo» Das Kinderradio: Magazine
Freitag, 17. Sep 2010, 07:00 bis 08:00 Uhr

(Radio Einheit)
Spannendes, fröhliches, gewaltfreies und pädagogisch sinnvolles für Kinder von Kindern. Werbefrei, gemeinnützig und international!

Magazine: Political Situation in Sierra Leone

Interview with Mr Edward Mando, board member (Non Governmental Organisation) and International liaison officer ÑKinder Netzwerk Sierra Leoneì (KNSL). He explaines the main causes of the brutal civil war in the country during his interview with Sidikie Coker and how to avoid this in future. Followed by the political situation and how Sierra Leone was governed from 1464 to the present day.

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