« IndieRe2.0 » Independent Radio Exchange: Radio Student, Zagreb #81

IndieRE #81 by Radio Student, Zagreb
Sedemintrideseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Rádió in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.
In the #81 episode of the IndieRE broadcast by Radio Student from Zagreb we're presenting the new album called Jezero by the Zagreb singer-songwriter Nina Romić, which we learned more about in a conversation with the artist herself. The show also features the music made by Seine – one of the bands that played the key role in developing the sound of Zagreb alternative scene, which, with their specific approach, shape a unique expression of alternative contemporary electro-punk, last year published an album called Naizust. One of the representatives of the Zagreb DIY scene, Juraj Rebernjak, presented us his new project pospano, and we learned more about the process of making the album that is entirely created by just one person. The show ends with nemanja – heavily inspired by the Afro-Colombian rhythms, Caribbean dub sounds and Tropical exotica – and their latest single named Korzika.
- Nina Romić – Brus papir [3:33] (Jezero, Aquarius Records, 2023)
- Nina Romić – Jezero [7:07] (Jezero, Aquarius Records, 2023)
- pospano – bird song [4:07] (try again, self-released, 2023)
- pospano – bad TV [4:03] (try again, self-released, 2023)
- Seine – Riječ [3:47] (Naizust, Moonlee Records, 2022)
- Seine – Zakaj [1:13] (Naizust, Moonlee Records, 2022)
- Seine – Peripetija [4:36] (Naizust, Moonlee Records, 2022)
nemanja – Korzika [3:12] (Voodoo Beat, self-released, 2023)
- Produced by Radio Student, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Prepared, announced and mixed by Franka Štrkalj, Ivan Poschko and Ivan Vlašić.
- Design by Jure Anžiček.
IndieRE - Independent Radio Exchange
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