
« IndieRe2.0 » Independent Radio Exchange: Radio Campus Grenoble #108

Donnerstag, 25. Jul 2024, 11:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
2024-07-25 11:00:00 2024-07-25 12:00:00 Pi Radio
Welchen Spielraum haben alternative Künstler:innen in der heutigen digitalen Musikindustrie? Mit solchen und weiteren Fragen werden sich verschiedene Freie Radios aus Europa in Ihrem Musikmagazin beschäftigen.

IndieRE #108 by Radio Campus Grenoble

Štiriinšestdeseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Rádió in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.

Hello everyone, you’re listening to the 108th IndieRE radio broadcast, the emission that aims to introduce fresh, contemporary music from various genres – rock, hip-hop, ska, pop, jazz, rap, trap, blues or whatever you can imagine and you are able to listen. The shows are broadcasted in Spain, Austria, Germany, France, Slovenia, Croatia, Ireland and Hungary by many many community radios. And today, the emission is made by Rémy & Alice, for the first time! We are part of Radio Campus Grenoble, and we are going to introduce you some local artists from our town in the mountains, Grenoble.

We’ll listen to some techno with Pulko accompanied by the voice of Meduz from the EP Free of Dyes, and to some music from the rapper L'amiseul, a member of the label 21h10. Next up will be musician and luthier Anita Dongilli with an hommage to a violin, and Lwanbé, who sings in Creole and has hip-hop and Maloya influences. We’ll also listen to a funny group, full of creativity called Pelle, a project of four guys playing ska punk with two guitars and a bass, and at the end we’ll discover a very special artist from Grenoble, Compost Collaps.

  1. Pulko feat. Meduz – J’oublie tout [4:44] (Free of Dyes, Speedster Records, 2023)
  2. L'amiseul – Mon plus beau moment [2:38] (Besoin de moi, 21h10 Music, 2023)
  3. L'amiseul – Besoin de moi [2:56] (Besoin de moi, 21h10 Music, 2023)
  4. Anita Dongilli – In Fine [4:50] (Les Secrets, self-released, 2023)
  5. Lwanbé – Rèst là mèm [2:50] (single, self-released, 2021)
  6. Lwanbé – Charpenfièr [3:32] (single, self-released, 2023)
  7. Pelle – Fifou le foufou [3:05] (Pouet, self-released, 2024)
  8. Pelle – Skank Suicide [2:50] (Pouet, self-released, 2024)
  9. Compost Collaps – Kotekan [2:20] (Chapelle 2120, self-released, 2024)
  10. Compost Collaps – Transpire [2:38] (Chapelle 2120, self-released, 2024)

    • Produced by Radio Campus Grenoble, France.
    • Prepared and announced by Rémy Kiledjian & Alice Rozé. Mixed by Alice Rozé & Louis Hoos-Cauvin.
    • Design by Jure Anžiček.

IndieRE - Independent Radio Exchange

Was macht die lokale Musikszene Sevillas aus? Vor welchen besonderen Herausforderungen stehen Nachwuchskünstler:innen in Budapest angesichts der dortigen politischen Situation? Welche Verbindungen und Gemeinsamkeiten lassen sich zwischen der Independent Musikkultur in Graz, Halle und Dublin finden und was unterscheidet sie? Welchen Spielraum haben alternative Künstler:innen in der heutigen digitalen Musikindustrie?

Mit solchen und weiteren Fragen werden sich Radio Študent aus Ljubljana, das Netzwerk verschiedener französischer Uniradios namens Radio Campus, Radio CORAX aus Halle (Saale), EMA-RTV aus Sevilla, Radio Helsinki aus Graz, Near FM aus Dublin, Radio Student aus Zagreb und Civil Radio aus Budapest beschäftigen. Gemeinsam arbeiten sie dafür im Rahmen des EU-Projekts "Independent Radio Exchange" für die nächsten zwei Jahre zusammen.