« Radio Free Bakersfield » Whatever! #265
Donnerstag, 26. Apr 2012,
04:00 bis 05:00 Uhr
Radio Free Bakersfield ist eine Spahn Ranch Dance Party mit "indie bands" & "unsigned bands", "insigned bands" & "undie bands".
60 Minuten Twang, Crunch & Oomph! wie Tex Beaumont es ausdrückte, "Ich mag die Show wirklich. Ich meine, Sie wissen, Mexican Surf, Rockabilly Französisch. Wo sonst finden Sie das?" Dank Tex!
Unsere unregelmäßigen Hörer bieten wir auch Garage, Punk, Lounge, Jazz, Metal, Hawaiian, Country, Cowpunk & Swing aus fünf Kontinenten.
Lounge aus Polen? Wir haben es geschafft. Surf aus Chile? Wir haben es geschafft. Garage aus der Schweiz? Wir haben es geschafft. Metal aus Schweden? Wir haben es geschafft. Rockabilly aus Deutschland? Wir haben es geschafft. Hawaiian von Austin? Oh Gott, das auch.
So grab your ass with both hands…
…it's time for Radio Free Bakersfield!
Radio Free Bakersfield - Whatever! #265
- Curbhounds - Needle & Poke; Los Angeles - http://www.bandmine.com/artist/music/thecurbhounds/367003
- Spahn Ranch Boys - Find Me; Seal Beach - http://www.myspace.com/spahnranchboys
- Clarence Worly - White Trash; Rockland - http://clarenceworly.com
- Mercs - St Marks Place; New York City - http://www.myspace.com/mercsband
- Christian D & the Hangovers - Hot Mess; Toronto - http://christiand.ca
- Pep Torres - Lorena; Hollywood - http://www.myspace.com/peptorres
- Sixteen & the Sidewinders - 8 Ball Queen; London - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sixteen-and-the-Sidewinders/170828849675782
- Quakes - Go Get out; Phoenix - http://www.thequakes.com
- Revtones - Mean & Evil; Fremont - http://revtones.net
- Bastard Winos - Drunk Again; Huntington Beach - http://www.reverbnation.com/bastardwinos
- Eddie Angel - Lynxtail; Nashville - http://www.eddieangel.com
- Link Wray - Jack the Ripper; Washington Dc - http://www.wraysshack3tracks.com
- Nu Niles - Who Needs Ya?; Barcelona - http://www.nuniles.es
- Lota Red - The Drowning; Berlin - http://home.snafu.de/lotared
- Ziggens - I Hate Girls & Cars & Ice Cold Beer; Long Beach - http://www.cornerstoneras.com/ziggens
- Whitetrash Whiplash - Panty Dropper; Seattle - http://www.reverbnation.com/whitetrashwhiplash
- Chicken Coupe Deville - Warm Beer; Los Angeles - http://www.myspace.com/chickencoupedeville
- Juke Joint Gamblers - Lie Cheat & Steal; Portland - http://www.reverbnation.com/jukejointgamblers
- Bbq Kings - Dear Mrs Car Wreck; Riverside - http://www.myspace.com/bbqkings
- Ghost Town Deputies - Jukebox; San Diego - http://www.myspace.com/ghosttowndeputies
- Utah County Swillers - West Provo; Springville - http://www.reverbnation.com/theutahcountyswillers
- Union Ave - I Shot the Sheriff; Scotland - http://www.myspace.com/unionavenue
- So-Cal Rocket Dynamics - Paint It Black & Drive It; Los Angeles - http://www.therocketdynamics.com
- Baseboard Heaters - Ode to the Barroom; Portland - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000QKVW9M
- Internet: http://radiofreebakersfield.com/
- MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/pronouncedwhorehay/blog