
2019-11-21 20:30:00 2019-11-21 21:30:00 Pi Radio

«Begilufin» Berlin Live: Religion! (#1) #145
Donnerstag, 21. Nov 2019, 20:30 bis 21:30 Uhr

Begilufin trys to bring a taste from the great diversity of the rich music world. With different sounds, old and new, vibes from different eras, different lands and Israeli music scene.
Bild: Pi Radio

Dan & Ziv, Brother John Rydgren, Socalled, Som Imaginario, The High Windows and more.

It's the Begilufin RELIGION special! Hallelujah!

On this eve, Brother Dan and Brother Ziv anoint thee with 60 minutes of Holy Groove (and probably a pinch unholy grooves too, just for a bit of balance you understand). Children of the universe, open your ears and receive radiophonic, supersonic salvation. Remember, the Creator has a master plan. Praise be!

Berlin Live

It all come together to an hour of music with some interruptions.

Begilufin trys to bring a taste from the great diversity of the rich music world, with a focus on Israeli music - moderated and compiled by Ziv. With different sounds, old and new, vibes from different eras, different lands and Israeli music scene. It all come together to an hour of music with some interruptions.

Ziv macht eine Sendung live bei Pi Radio namens "Berlin live", die den Fokus auf Musik aus Israel hat.

88,4 MHz - Pi Radio