« Brainwashed » Radio Edition #514
Freitag, 08. Okt 2021,
05:00 bis 06:00 Uhr
Die Brainwashed - Radio Edition ist eine einstündige Show mit Musik von den Künstlern und Labels auf Brainwashed.com.

- Schneider TM, "Oh Life" (The 8 Of Space) 2021 Editions Mego
- Magic Castles, "Lost Dimension" (Sun Reign) 2021 A Records
- Leider, "Colder Underground" (A Fog Like Liars Loving) 2021 Beacon Sound
- Six Organs of Admittance, "Somewhere in the Hexagon of Saturn" (The Veiled Sea) 2021 Three Lobed
- Armed With Bow, "Heavy Handed" (AWBITS) 2021 MFZ
- Pavel Milyakov and Bendik Giske, "Untitled 6" (Pavel Milyakov and Bendik Giske) 2021 Smalltown Supersound
- Hailu Mergia, "Nefas New Zemedie" (Tezeta) 1975 Amha / 2021 Awesome Tapes from Africa
- The Green Kingdom, "Arc" (Solaria) 2021 Sound In Silence
- Matt Rosner, "Celestial" (No Lasting Form) 2021 Room40
Graham Lambkin, "Glinkamix" (Salmon Run) 2007 / 2020 Kye
- Sendung vom 11. April 2021
Brainwashed - Radio Edition
Email podcast at brainwashed dot com to say who you are; what you like; what you want to hear; share pictures for the podcast of where you're from, your computer or MP3 player with or without the Brainwashed Podcast Playing; and win free music! We have no tracking information, no idea who's listening to these things so the more feedback that comes in, the more frequent podcasts will come. You will not be put on any spam list and your information will remain completely private and not farmed out to a third party. Thanks for your attention and thanks for listening.