« Nokogiribiki » Links Berge Rechts Seen #134
Freitag, 05. Nov 2021,
03:00 bis 05:00 Uhr
Avantgardistische Elektronika und frickelige Klangexperimente.

NOKO 134 - Links Berge Rechts Seen
Quality electronic music for all the wayfarer out there. the path to the highest peak in the montain area is arduous but rewarded with a breathtaking view.
At noon on board of an old steamship, then along the rack railway to the first stop at Grubisbalm. our tour guide S.v.e.n. have rare records in lugagge from labels like Toytronic, Ai Records and one recent Sealt. listen to these kaleidoscopic electronica fits perfectly with bread and cheese in the middle of the magnificent scenery near sundown.
Snapshot - greetings from lake lucerne in switzerland by Philip Stapel.
- The Flashbulb - chik habit .BOWA 17
- The Flashbulb - kirlian choices .BOWA 15
- The Flashbulb - earthtone morphine battery .BOWA 09
- Salfetky - rocket snail .SEALT S2
- Tomcats In Tokyo - telophasic céphalée .AI 015LP
- Ochre - infinite bookends .SHIP 026
- Num Num - if q was h .TOY 02
- Gimmik - ausland .TOY 06
- Sleepy Town Manufacture - owen .SEALT S7
- Ruxpin - dust my credenza .UNI 06LP
- Loess - viscer .TOY 15b
- Vessel - color queen .EVA 2:02
- Vessel - avalanche minor .PLAND 01
- Esem - 3k2 .FOC 364LP
- Lackluster - kcl1 (14/4/00) .FOC 368
- Vessel - shade .EVA 13:05
- Arovane - silicad .BLOCK 001
- Bauri - lakonia .NEO 008
- Fizzarum - tond three .TXTVNL 02
Interval. Global Communication - 0-54 .DEDLP 014
- FZV - big dark room .AILP 005
- Dirty Owl - your reminder .SEALT S12
- Arovane - parf .DIN AROVANE
- Ian Martin - moving activity .FUR 043
- Single Cell Orchestra - comsat .REF LP2
Weird broadcast radio since 2005.
Eine Sendeübernahme von Radio Blau aus Leipzig.