
« » Berlin Today #18

Freitag, 08. Aug 2008, 07:00 bis 10:00 Uhr
2008-08-08 07:00:00 2008-08-08 10:00:00
Funk, Soul, Surf und RnR aus der Garage von Spätinsbettgeher für Frühaufsteher.

GaragePunk Surfcast #3

Host: Dan Electreau

Dan Electreau takes a run at the GaragePunk Surfcast with a whole hour of scorchin' surf music new and old. Dig out on the Surfin' Gorillas, Pyramids, Nebulas, Phantom Surfers, Phantoms, Jackie and the Cedrics, and a whole tsunami of other great instro-mental bands.

Backseat Beat #5

Host: Crystal Stern

Just in time to get her Road Runner out of hock, Crystal emerges from her summertime rock-and-roll hibernation with a new and improved, action-packed episode of Backseat Beat. With songs from both well-known favorites like The Spits and The Devil Dogs as well as a collection of great tunes from relatively new bands like the Hibachi Stranglers and the Time Flys, this is an episode that is likely to please all you record-collecting snobs, car lovers or not.

RadiOblivion #11

Host: Michael Kaiser

First new episode in two months!

Join Michael Kaiser and Genie the Record as they delve deeper beneath the common work-a-day musical filth to fulfill the promise to Provide Better Living Through Discarded Music!

Extra super-duper bonus this go 'round is some select tracks from the Kaiser Records Real Boss Hoss International Stomp-O-Lation, plus the usual suspects in the form of garage punk rawk boom, rockabilly, soul, trash, R&B et al. All provided in the high-brow, snooty sort of way you've come to expect from Michael Kaiser!!

Do the WIGGY JIGGY, turkeys!!

Garagepunx - Hideout

For fans of raunchy, wild rock'n'roll, old and new… garage, psych, punk, surf, rockabilly, soul, R&B, and lo-fi, primitive trash.